Scope, aims and focus
Clearly outlining a journal’s scope and aims enables readers to swiftly grasp its relevance and ensures prospective authors submit pertinent manuscripts. This streamlines the process,
Find out how to set up an open access journal, including choosing a title, setting the scope of the journal, securing kick-off funding, and a useful checklist.
Find out how to set up an open access journal, including choosing a title, setting the scope of the journal, securing kick-off funding, and a useful checklist.
Clearly outlining a journal’s scope and aims enables readers to swiftly grasp its relevance and ensures prospective authors submit pertinent manuscripts. This streamlines the process,
The choice of a new journal’s title should ideally link to its scope, aims and focus, by referencing the subject discipline of the journal (see
Depending on their chosen scope, aims and focus, journals should choose an appropriate mix of content types to publish. It is important to note that
The open access movement involves publishing content so that it is available for anyone with an internet connection, without access barriers. However, as readers are
Open access publishing continues to grow in popularity globally. However, uptake varies across the spectrum of disciplines. The highest levels of open access are reported
Launching a journal that meets industry standards as well as the needs of authors and readers takes more than just a website and content management